The professionals of the office are fully qualified and are constantly updating on changes in the current legislation and market rules, ensuring better customer support.

Ariosto Mila Peixoto


Lawyer in the area of Bids and Administrative Contracts, PPPs, Concessions, Executions against Public Treasury, CADE, Bidding Crimes, Crimes against Economic Order, Compliance. Partner at the ARIOSTO MILA PEIXOTO ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS Office, since 2003. Lawyer, with militancy since 1993. Graduation in Law from FMU.

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Erika Oliver


Bachelor of Law (Jul / 2000) from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Specialist in Constitutional Law (July 2007) by the Institute of Public Law – IDP and Legal Consultant in Administrative Law. Cursed Training of Pregoeiros (April / 2003) by FUNDAP – Foundation of Administrative Development.


Camille Vaz Hurtado


Bachelor of Law (Dez / 2003) from UniSantos – Catholic University of Santos; Post-Graduate (Dec / 2006) in Civil Procedural Law by UniSantos. He studied Administrative Law (Nov / 2008) by the Brazilian Society of Public Law – SBDP and Pregoeiros Training Workshop (Oct / 2007) by Universidade Corporativa Banco do Brasil.